Thread: DUI's
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Old 12-19-2012, 02:03 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Steve View Post
As far as im concerned, its not severe enough. The first one should be a huge fine and 30 days in jail. Second one a year and then add a year for every one after that. After someone gets their first one they should be hit over the head HARD to make a lasting impression to make them think twice about doing it again.

Its not that fuckin hard to get - dont drink and drive! If you want to drink have a DD, take a cab/bus or stay home and drink.
So because you had 3 beers before driving you should lose your job, maybe your house or at least not pay any bills go on unemployment or just suck off the government tit. You go to jail for 30 days and that's what happens. What do you consider a huge fine, should we bankrupt somebody for 3 beers? I think you need to get off your hit horse there pal. Shouldn't the penalty for street racing be just as bad since it kills people also
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