Thread: DUI's
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Old 12-20-2012, 01:40 AM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 54

To speak up from experience...

When I was 17 (turned 19 a few months ago) I made a bad decision to drink underage, then drive, and recieved a DUI minor. To be honest, the suthorities were not as harsh as they should have been. I posted a $519 bail and was out in a few hours. After completing 40 hours of community service and an alcohol awareness class, a $499 refund check was in my mail box.

No way in hell was that a harsh enough punishment. Since then, I have no had a single charge and have not driven drunk. Currently, I am on leave from basic training for HBL from Fort Sill. Yes, you can still get into the military with a DUI, it just depends on the situation. My life has turned around from what it was. Do I think I should have lost everything? Hell no. I learned my lesson.

It did not ruin my life, but it made things very tough and it put an unintended amount of stress of my family. All in all, I believe the driving while intoxicated laws are way too lax in this state.
2012 5.0 A6 7.9@90 CAI, exhaust, suspenion, tune
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