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Old 01-22-2013, 09:26 PM   #11
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 82

Originally Posted by Steve View Post
A five year Plano cop with no write ups or incidents makes 100k+. The same can be said for Frisco and Highland Park officers. It's good money for people with a normal job, but that is not near enough for what those guys have to do everyday.

Everytime they stick their hands in someone's pocket they risk getting poked catching AIDS. Screw that.

Fighting people everyday who might bite them could have AIDS. Hell no!

Get run over giving a ticket or working a wreck because some idiot is texting and driving not looking for a cop in the street. Fuck that!

Get called to a domestic dispute to intervene only for one of them to turn on you /shooting/stabbing you for arresting the person THEY called on!

Make a human mistake only for the city to throw you to wolves rather than back you up so the city doesn't get sued. FUCK THEM! lol

It takes a special kind of person want to be a cop and put up with that bullshit everyday. Getting paid 70k a year to babysit societies degenerates is not near enough and certainly not enough to put my life on the line for every day!
Yeah, cops don't make enough. Evn in departments where people think its "safe" if you're a cop it's not safe bottom line. I was on the path to try to get on at ft worth but got offered the job I have now and I couldn't turn it down.
Weekends: '14 GT Black 6MT - Bought with FRPP x pipe, axle back, and procal tuner, and short throw already installed by dealer

Company Truck: '11 F250 Oxford white 6AT - Stock
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