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Old 03-29-2013, 12:29 AM   #4
Old School
Join Date: Oct 2012
Age: 46
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Originally Posted by Real View Post
Last night I was headed home from Keller's with the wife and I decided to drive through downtown Dallas. I'm minding my own business when some jackhole in a 4.6 GT flies by and revs out. Eh, no big deal right. He gets held up in traffic, I get by him and get onto 30.

This guy rides my ass onto the highway, then proceeds to try to line up and repeatedly gets on it and backs off, trying to goad me into a race. I ignore him, I'm not going to get into a race with my wife in the car, especially in moderate traffic. He continues either riding my ass, or revving next to me for the next 10 minutes. Finally he takes off and proceeds to put his flashers on.

If any of you know a black guy with a bald head that drives a silver 4.6 GT please tell him that he's a douchebag and he drives like a tard in moderate traffic.

Normally I let stuff like this go, but I had my woman in the car...not cool man. p.s. His slow.
The fuck!? My wife would tell me to blow his shit off the road...
She usually just throws waves bye to people...

a 4. slow woulda taken you short work to smoke and he would have left you alone.
86 GT 374 Billet "W" w/ 72MMs
90 GT 351 Dart short stroke w/ YSi
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