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Old 05-03-2013, 06:17 PM   #6
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Age: 35
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I put money into my 2002 GT in high school....and then kept it clean and didn't do anything with it during the college years that I didn't work.

In high school you want to have the fastest or coolest college, nobody really gives a shit what you drive. People say girls like cars and money....well that's not true for college girls....they're too dumb to appreciate cars and money between the ages of 18 and 22. All they care about is justin bieber and good looking guys who smoke pot, drink beer, ditch class and attend frat parties.

Then after graduation, if they aren't knocked up or in a dead end relationship with a loser, they realize, oh, hey, maybe I should have gone for the guy who actually went to class and has a career. But even then they are too selfish and stubborn to admit it. it's not until they get kicked off daddy's payroll and out of the house until they realize, "oh shit, I should have done something with my life other than spread my legs and party". But by that time they are just low life losers just like the guys they used to date. Then maybe at that point they realize they want the guy with the V8 mustang....but don't respect themselves enough to actually win them over with anything other than sex.

Moral of the story is that bitches are dumb and won't even know the difference between a V6 and V8 mustang. Save your money in college and get laid as much as possible. Go to class, graduate. Make a lot more money after graduation. Then buy a Boss 302.


My mom had a dodge stratus years ago, and let me drive it one night. I drove it and picked up these two girls. The thing had a V6 in it, but it was actually pretty quick! Anyways I floored it a couple times and they were like "whoa, this thing is fast...what kind of car is it?" and I told them it was a Ferrari. They're like...."what, really!?". Once we got to where we were going they got out and looked at the trunk of the car and were like "no, this isn't a Ferrari!!! it's a S- T-R-A-T-US."

dumb bitches

2013 Performance White Boss 302

2002 Mineral Gray GT
-VT engines Stage 2 N/A cams, full SLP exhaust, 4.10 gear...etc.

Last edited by MidWest281; 05-03-2013 at 06:19 PM.
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