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Old 07-17-2013, 05:22 PM   #2
KungFuHamster's Avatar
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Originally Posted by DirtyD View Post
It's hard to compare dyno numbers between cars unless they were both dynoed on the same day, and dyno, with as close to the same exact weather as possible, and the dyno tech hit the trigger at the exact right moment on both cars.

Just too many factors to come into play. (You like this post don't you Steve? Lol)

It also depends on how the TQ values are determined. A calculated TQ value done from the load on the dyno (like Brooks') may be way off from one calculated by RPM sensor and such like TS does.
I get what your saying. But my car was was within 5-6 hp and 5 ft lb on Brooks' dyno on a hotter day, so I would consider that an accurate measure. I understand the variation between weather and dynos and what not and that of course, makes sense.

my thing is I believe a street car that makes 30 ft lb across the board will be faster than a car that makes 20 or so at the very top of the tach.
2011 Mustang GT Grabber Blue
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