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Old 08-10-2013, 03:41 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Gainesville,Tx
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Originally Posted by Oxford14Stang View Post
Derek what rx7 is saying is true. I'm sure you've heard the term "factory freak" meaning even though you have two cars alike doesn't mean they'll perform the same way. One car may dyno 375 HP then other 355 HP. Therefore one being a little faster or putting down very good power. As far as driving goes there was no doubt Derek could drive his car. His shifts were quick and clean. As the first run shows we were neck and neck, other runs as I noticed at the top of each gear I pulled, I hit 5th every run but let off seconds into it. Never ran it out. As far as our two cars they are indeed same mod and same setup.. (not exactly but you know what I mean) so should be within reason of each other. Again your upper rpms were no doubt where your car was falling I'd datalog and go from there. Wouldn't quiet start jumping the gun and pointing fingers. Again, great runs. And we will run them again soon
Bullshit. Bama tunes are crap ask anyone.
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