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Old 09-06-2012, 11:52 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by dallasmike View Post
Our outlook is pretty simple. How would we build our own cars. What would our own expectations be of a custom shop. We're enthusiasts first, business second. Each car we take in becomes part of who we are. One of the biggest obstacles we have is letting the cars leave. That may sound weird but we grow to love each one we do. Each car is different and has it's own unique personality. Each owner's personality and vision is seen through the car. What we do is art. We aren't just throwing parts on a car. We are building someones dream and vision. It's all part of a theme. There's times when we have to sit down and really think about certain parts and if they really fit the vision of the car. There's times when certain parts don't really help with the end goal. Part of what makes us truly unique is being able to sit down with the customer and come up with a long term plan for the car. This helps us put together a parts list that goes with that goal. It saves the customer money in the long run by only selecting the parts along the way that go with the end goal. Some guys have the funds to do it all at once. Most do not. But we are all enthusiasts working towards making our cars unique. That's what makes the car hobby so cool. We find common ground with people we normally wouldn't in day to day life. I love this hobby and love what I do. I am truly blessed to be able to do this for a living.
Man, that is so awesome to hear.I wish all shops did this! BIG props to you sir.
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