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Old 08-19-2013, 04:29 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by blownaltered View Post
I think your missing the point of what most people are saying. You can't compare times between a m6 vs an auto with a stall. The auto is going to eat the m6 out of the hole and hit the shift perfect every time because its computer controlled. No human error involved. But he and a lot of other guys, myself included like sticks for our sports cars because they are more fun to drive on the street. If I was going to race my car every weekend then yes I would do an auto but I don't so ill stick to my old 5 speed.
I get it and I made a few points that were missed.

Originally Posted by BLK2012GT View Post
X2 exactly was never saying a manual is better for the track then an auto. WBT man you might want to read a post twice before you post cause just because some thinks differently doesn't mean they are insulting you or better then you.
After a couple of days posting here and seeing some of your history, it seems as though you do a lot of talking and not much producing.

Less posting, less talking, more producing.

Now back to the upgraded driveline you or do you not have your shit together to support 6K RPM launches with your car. If not, the exact scenario I listed is going to happen in which an auto car would serve you better if you want to meet the goals you have set. Fucking around aside, I am dead serious about this. If you get a good tire on that car, and you will have to launch at 6K+ to get a good time, and your driveline is mostly stock, you are going to be SOL. Expect a tow truck to take you home unless you trailer.

I say this based on experience.

Last edited by wbt; 08-19-2013 at 04:34 PM.
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