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Old 09-06-2013, 09:12 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by Junkie View Post
Man, I loved running. But I fucking hate it now, can still do it, just don't love it.

Have you considered a row machine or swimming? Hiking?

I lost 100lbs doing shit like that
I don't have regular access to a pool, if I did I would definitely do that more being great cardio and much easier on the joints. I do like the rowing machine, I've been switching that up with the torture machine known as the Jacob's Ladder machine. lol. The most comfortable to the cycling machine, but I'm not doing this to be comfortable either.

Any suggestions where to do some hiking?

Originally Posted by virtu View Post
Have you tried the walk,run,walk,run routine? Might spare you some pain. I used to run but have since changed my routine to power walking and cycling for the last two years. I think it's far easier on my body than running. I don't feel like I am stressing it as out as much. I was probably burning more calories when I was running but I also felt more sore and exhausted. I walk on average 2.5 miles a day and ride anywhere from 6 to 12 miles a day depending on how I feel.
Yeah, that routine did help. I'm still learning how to relax my shins while running. My daughter got a bike for her birthday so I take her with me. It's a challenging way to do my running keeping up with her on her bike. I planning on getting a bike for myself here soon too. I always loved riding bikes and think I could really get into that.

I've also realized the importance of SLEEP. I've always been a night owl and was surviving on 4 or 5 hours a night for the last 15 years or so. Now I'm getting 8-9 hours and realize what I've been missing. I have much more energy and motivation to get to the gym cuz I'm not dragging my ass all day.
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