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Old 09-08-2013, 01:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Dominic Toretto View Post
I can understand the argument from both Ryan and Derek's perspective. Yes we all know it's a law but, for the longest time, there was no slaps on the wrists issued. To an enthusiast, the law is a joke to begin with. So to the demographic of people at the meet that have beautiful and stunning cars and would hate to really butcher up the front end, it does seem like a bit much to actually issue tickets. If anything, to maintain the integrity of the meet and keep the environment safe and balanced, if I were one of the cops, I would have just announced at the exit as people were leaving that "Hey guys I know you all were aware that we were not enforcing front plates but, from now on we are."

Seriously, don't you think that would have made a far better impression on everyone(cops and enthusiasts alike) instead of actually issuing tickets? If I were there and I received a ticket, this would definitely re-enforce the general negativity associated with police. If I were at that meet and was simply given a warning, then I would have a much more respectable opinion about the situation. Did they really think most of those people would show up in their super exotics wearing front plates after years of not having to?


Ignorance is not a legit excuse. You are required by law to keep yourself informed on any laws if you are a licensed driver in the state of Texas. Do people do their due diligence to stay informed, no. But it's not the states responsibility to make sure you are doing what you agreed to when you signed an application for your DL. It's personal accountibilty that you are trying to push off on the state. It's the law, suck it up. If you don't want to be stopped, put your front plate on. If you don't want to run the front plate, don't but then accept the responsibility of your actions. I don't have a plate on the front of the Mach. If I get stopped for it it's my own fault.

Lastly, police officers are not law makers, just enforcers. If you have an issue with the front plate law, write the state. The guy in blue is just doing his job.
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