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Old 09-09-2013, 01:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Kosovobandit View Post
I just dont get some people. I know that the event wasnt what it use to be, but to everyone who says that it is not that. YOU are part of the problem not the solution. If you would work to make it a better event vendors would come back, prize money could possibly go up, categories would come back, and overall attendace would go up. Instead you sit on your computer complaining about it. What did I do. I went and ran winning a class.

I understand where you are coming from and somewhat agree, but the failure of FFW lies soley on the people who miserably attempt organize it.

FFW has been very poorly run for a very long time. They do very little marketing or advertising for it. Most people you talk to right now don't even know it was still happening the last couple of years.

Just about anyone you talk to you with about FFW will tell you that it was too expensive, very poorly run with very little structure and they always hold it in the intense heat of the summer.

When planning an event, an organizer must do everything they can for the best chances for successful event. If you look at what they do, or more importantly what they DON'T do, it seems they are preparing to fail and get what they prepare for.

I bet you for the upcoming Camaro vs Mustang event, there will be a great turnout even with Mustangfest being the same weekend because the organizers are making sure that people are aware of the event and making it affordable in the month of October when it's a bit cooler out.
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