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Old 09-20-2013, 10:31 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by DirtyD View Post
With almost any TVS blower, Roush or VMP, you will need a built motor to take full advantage. I am completely aware off all that, but I see it as Justin making the blower that much more capable and efficient. Obviously it is overkill if you never plan to go full built and what not.

Is there any type of comparison out there of his kit and a roush kit? I think that would be interesting to see.
The advantage the VMP kit has is in it's efficiency level. The only people who will be able to take advantage of it are the people who are doing heavy road course racing where the AIT's are at an elevated level for extended periods of time. Otherwise it's big overkill for your typical street car that may do a few pulls here and there, but then the AIT's come right back down.

The normal Roush kits are just as capable of making big power as the VMP kit is. If heavy road course action is in your future, the VMP kit is for you. If it's mainly a car seeing street duty, save yourself a few bucks and buy a normal Roush kit which is very capable of making 800rw.
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