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Old 09-26-2013, 02:00 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by SlowGreyGT View Post
I'm not trolling at all here. You're just having your usual kneejerk girly reaction. You've been poking and prodding at me the last week and I haven't said anything to it cuz you over react like a chick. I disagree wih you here and you got your panties all up in a twist...again. Fine, you explained your "miswording". Let it go.

So, again, when are we meeting up to race so I can see you in action?
You stated I was wrong...when I wasn't. But you have yet to acknowledge that. I was done explaining the "miswording." You forget you asked me to explain why he needed to upgrade his driveline? Old age can do that to your memory I hear.

If I was having a girly reaction I would be summoning someone else to do all the talking. I'm handling my own business. You seem to think I'm going ballistic here on my side of the computer. I would be typing IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS SO YOU THINK I'M YELLING, if I was going ballistic. Emotion is kind of hard to convey through text. What you don't know if I'm perfectly composed. Come on over to Haltom City and find out.

As for the race, my dad is coming into town this weekend for a CHL class, and with Stephanie's birthday next weekend, doubt I'll be free. I should be up in that general area the weekend of the 14th if you want to go at it. I'm going to try and come out to Coit that Friday. I've had to seriously cut down on my driving however because finances have been running lower since my Vegas fun is coming around on the credit cards now...
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