Thread: VMP TVS install
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Old 11-14-2013, 12:09 PM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Age: 40
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Glad you liked everything.

After having dynoed, datalogged, and open tracked a bunch of 5.0s I'm not crazy about high timing on these engines on pump gas. I generally give the KS about +/- 3* leway, on most cars it will start out with 12-14 and add some timing, but on some it runs in the middle.

You can often get away with an extra couple degrees on the dyno and show 20-30rwhp more.

The good thing is once you get into that timing range they can take a ton of abuse, I've opened tracked my TVS Boss on 91 oct with 230F coolant temps and 150F intake temps and it's been happy with 13-14* with an 82mm pulley/10psi. I've found the same with Jeff Lacina's VMP TVSed GT that he open tracks, and he driver harder than me.

I find a little torco goes a long way and lets us get into the 18-20* range very safely.
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