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Old 12-01-2013, 11:52 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by 03MachMe View Post
Haha you obviously don't know me. Because when someone comes up to your car with a gun pointed at you the last thing I want to do is grab my gun from one location my mag from another load rack a round then fire all before the guy gets a shot off? I don't care if your a Navy Seal that isn't going to happen. I promise you my weapon tactics are sufficient . I have seen people going through a drive through at a local fast food restaurant and get a gun pulled on them so don't give me this what's causing me to me in a situation where I would need to quickly get to my weapon. And that's fine of you think you don't need to carry a weapon but don't think that those of us that do is because we need it to feel like a man. I have seen things that make you realize you never know when you may need to protect yourself and or others. I bet before the movie theater incident in Colorado you would have thought it would be stupid to have a gun with you at the movies too huh. Or at the mall, or on a college campus. Get my point.
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