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Old 12-02-2013, 12:21 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by 03MachMe View Post
I think you have been in comifornia too long. The world's not all flowers and sunshine and I'm glad you can convince yourself it is but there are people out there that want only to hurt others and I would not want to be caught in a situation that I would be at a disadvantage. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I have the upper hand. And if you think I am crazy for that then call me nuts
Yea been in this shit hole too long. I know there are weirdos out there but I'm not going to be scared every time I walk out of my house. You are a LEO right? You know what a safe place looks like and what a non safe place looks like right? You won't go into a place that looks sketchy when you are off duty... I'd hope unless you really are nuts. When I have my iotv, Kevlar helmet, 210 rounds and a m4 il walk anywhere especially if I got a buddy equally equipped. Outside of that if it looks sketchy I stay the hell away even if cops are around. You are not nuts for trying to have the upper hand.
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