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Old 12-02-2013, 10:09 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by five.slow View Post
And you think if you were the guy with the cc that you would have stopped him? Maybe so maybe no. It's a lot different when bullets come back at you... Ask me how I know. Dick head when I was down range stepped out of a house and started laying down lead right at me and 3 others. We had 1 249 gunner and the rest were m4s, not one of us got a shot off before dick head dropped his clip, reloaded and started back up. You don't just think ok I'm getting shot at now shoot back. You think get the fuck down or away then shoot back. Dick head didn't think that when we shot back and the 249 gunner cut the dude down.

You can be just as dangerous shooting at a bad guy. It's why cops don't just shoot back when they get shot at. Thru think about collateral damage.

Again defend yourself it's all good just don't act like everyone with a cc license is gonna be a hero. Lead singer from blues traveler use to have a cc until he got pulled over with shit ton of high power full auto weapons in his vehicle claiming he was getting ready for the end of all days.
I was just basically quoting you showing that even "safe" places, of which people are constantly aware of their surrounding can still turn into a shit storm before you realize it.

Who would have ever thought that Fort Hood would've had a massing shooting occur there. It's a fucking military post for God's sake.
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