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Old 01-09-2014, 06:32 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Junkie View Post

Not thinking its cool, and it not being your fine is all well and good. The only thing im disagreeing with is how you guys seem to take that it takes less setup/skill/etc... to get these cars to hook. When in reality you have no experience with it. Experience > reading shit in motor trend and thinking you know whats up
my point is this all thing equal with the same car it is easier to roll race than it is to drag race and its easier to drag race than it is to road race/autox. whether its a 1500hp lambo or a 300hp mustang one thing will be harder to do than the other. To me this kind of racing is the easiest of the 3. That is just my opinion. Yes I am sure it takes quite a bit of skill to get this car to stay straight in a TI event. however I bet its even harder to launch at the track and run a fast time for its power level, and prolly even harder to control on a road course. That is all I was saying . I know these cars are stupid fast, and as they should be for the money they cost. Its just not my cup of tea. Your testing more about the car and less about the driver. If that is what you are after, to prove you own a faster car than everyone else, then this is the type of racing for you. Which is why a lot of people do it. I however would rather prove I am a better driver than others, which is why I like road/autox and occasionally the drag strip. You took it way too personal like we are saying you can't drive because you have a 1000+ hp car. Not what we were saying just that we think it takes less skill to get the same car down a roll race than it does for a dig race or a road race.

2013 Deep Impact Blue GT Premium
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