Thread: Tipping
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Old 02-10-2014, 05:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Originally Posted by GTOphil View Post
And for those who say they all think they "deserve" it and just do enough to get by and should "get better jobs" obviously have never been in the service industry. I think everybody needs that type of job at least once in their life to teach them the value of hard work, earning something and understanding who people really are.

I am a minister and I took a side job a few years back for some extra money. We didn't really "need" it, but it was nice. One revelation I had that changed how I thought for good was this:

1) When it's Sunday or I'm making a visit to the hospital, etc as "the minister" I get treated with respect and kindness.
2) When I was "just" a delivery guy- I got treated like absolute crap, as if I was "lower" than other people.

That's just not right and everybody should re-think how they treat people.
Good post.

Working at a Casino I can tell you ive noticed about tippers and race. I hate to be that guy but its just how things are in the casino. Not implying anywhere else.
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