Thread: Tipping
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Old 02-10-2014, 05:22 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by GTOphil View Post
That's just not right and everybody should re-think how they treat people.
I agree. As a society, everyone is very jaded these days. My brother getting sick has really changed my life in so many ways this past year. It's changed my perspective on my own health, how I spend my time and how I treat people in general. I do my best to treat everyone with kindness and compassion, especially those who aren't kind to me. It seems to me they are the ones who need some kindness the most. I have a lot of regrets of how I've interacted with some people and wish I could change it but I can't. All I can do is do my best from here forward in life.

The smallest acts of kindness can make someone's day. Over the weekend I went and bought some wood from this roadside place here in Wylie. The kid loading wood couldn't be but 17/18 years old. It was freezing out and he was loading all these cars/trucks by himself and he didn't have any gloves on. I asked him where his gloves were and he said he just started working there and didn't have the money yet but he would in two weeks when he got paid. I helped him finish loading the wood into my truck and then I drove down to Home Depot to buy him some gloves. I pulled back in and he asked if there was something wrong and I handed him the gloves. He said couldn't pay me for them, I said no need, just do something nice for someone else when you can. It really made his day I could see. He said thanks and I left. Hopefully he passes it along to someone else.
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