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Old 02-17-2014, 11:06 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2014
Age: 34
Posts: 43
Default Ever get your car towed?

This past Saturday night I had the first time ever getting my car towed due to "parking in an unauthorized space"
I went to an apartment complex for a birthday party and some friends informed me to be careful because they tow cars there all the time.
So I took caution and noticed there was a tow truck guy there. So I asked him where I could park my car as a visitor and be safe.
He lead me to a parking area and I confirmed with him that it was indeed GTG.
Short story. Came out from the party and it was gone...
An all night in Arlington tx and 9am in the morning and $240 later I had it back...
Crooked stuff.

Not to mention the girl I had with me had to be taxied home without me. Lol
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