Originally Posted by Crimson600+HP
I've had them claim they would dust me because they (stock Evos, STI's, SRT-4's, etc.). They turn up the boost on their 4CYL and think they can own V8's. Up until the point they find out I'm running boost too. Always as them to put their money where their mouth is at Little River on a Friday night, but only one Mini Cooper S took me up. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty.
Good story, and couldn't agree more. I was originally going to buy an Evo. But honestly, I would rather start with respectable 1/4 time then have to mod to get one. Now mods just make it all that much better for what I already have.
We have a guy at work who drives an S2000. Ironically, he also made a comment a couple weeks back that everyone he sees in a mustang just rolls by revving their engine with a troll face at him. Honestly, this weekend has proven to me its the other way around.
Black 2014 GT MT82 / Track Pack
Eibach, BMR, FRPP, Torsen, Amsoil, Brembo, JLT, SD