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Old 05-27-2014, 10:48 AM   #1365
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Originally Posted by SlowGreyGT View Post
Since 2003, I played bouncer/security/parking lot Nazi or whatever you want to call it to keep the meet civil. In 11 years, there has only been one other fight there and it happened while I was on my way to the meet. I've had a few close ones but always been able to defuse the situation. I worked hard on that meet for many years getting the word out and having to babysit it. The meet is well established now, I don't have to do much anymore thankfully, hell I don't even have to be there every week anymore like I used to be.

As for the armbar jokes, it's all good. I'm used to it now. Just don't make the mistake of mistaking kindness for weakness just because I'm mellowing out in my old age. haha.
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