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Old 11-24-2014, 01:53 PM   #2
El Presidente
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Always ahead of Steve
Age: 34
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Originally Posted by BERT View Post
Y'all can't. You youngers also can't take getting shit talked to y'all. Can't accept losing without making excuses or getting pissy either. Y'all fear that if you lose, your "peers" will make fun of you and most of y'all can't take that.

Now, I understand most here won't understand this cause mommy and daddy have always told you that you are the best. The best ball player, the best looking, always a winner. Now that it's not true y'all lash out. And that's ok. Got to learn somehow and usually it's the hard way.

Some words of advice. Stop acting like you (youngers) are always right and everyone else is wrong and people will stop treating you (youngers) like little bitches

Donnie- it was nice meeting you too. And LOL @ your boy

Jeff- I'm ready to show you my tail lights whenever you're ready
You are way off. I can take jokes. You obv are not on the fb group. Steve has been anti mustangs since he traded his in and it gets old. It's why everyone ran off the site. The "older" guys just stuck in their ways when they were previously fast lol

2013 Ford Mustang 5.0 6M Brembo 3.73s
4-0 vs Steve
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