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Old 02-11-2014, 05:14 PM   #154
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Originally Posted by Dominic Toretto View Post
I agree with a lot of what Steve says actually. I just think it's ridiculous to attribute health problems on ONE aspect of someone's diet. Of course if you test some obese behemoths whose only physical activity is pressing the buttons on a remote is stuffed full of red meat and they develope problems then they blame red meat. They don't say, well the person was already in poor physical condition or the person never worked out, etc etc.

A friend of mine in college said "creatine doesn't work" when he only worked out twice a month and played Halo all day.

"Nothing works unless YOU do."

We're trying to get to the same place, just taking different paths to get there is all.

That is one thing that drives me crazy about some people. When it comes to the subject of supplements. Some people spend a LOT of money taking this or that, tons of whey proteins, fat burners, pre-workouts, post workouts etc, but yet their diet isn't on point. You can't supplement a crap diet!! All of that stuff is just a complete waste unless you eat completely clean and put your body in a heavily overworked state. Even then a lot of the stuff on the market is questionable. But that is another subject.

Personally, I don't think anyone should take anything that your body makes naturally like creatine unless your body is constantly being overloaded with heavy work loads. Even then, something like creatine supplements should be cycled in and out of your system regularly. The body is a very adaptive machine. When you take in something naturally made like creatine, your body will adjust for it because the additional creatine being taken in and will stop making it. When you come off of it will throw things completely out of whack.
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