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Old 09-17-2014, 11:27 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by DR281 View Post
What's weird is when you came to our shop, you were bashing ghp in the same way. Maybe you were in search of some mythical creature. Some people you can try as hard as you can but you just can't please. I would have loved to see that. Nobody just twist wires together & tapes them. Sorry not buying it. The inner fender must be trimmed for the 4.5" tube. I don't buy the wood screw either. We don't have any of those up there. Maybe they made a special trip just for you. Again sorry you weren't satisfied. Like I said I tried & would have kept trying. When me & you went for a ride you said it was good & couldn't make it do anything you have described. Good luck to you. Keep bashing away about something that happened over 2 years ago. I'm out just wanted to put out the other side.
If you remember when I came in, the only thing about GHP I was pissed about was the guy in the front office (I never can remember his name) that took all the information down for the Fox project, and said he'd call me back with prices that afternoon, and 3 weeks later I still hadn't heard anything from him. Exactly why I initially gave Brad such high praise, since he called me everyday with updates in the beginning. I never said anything bad about Travis, and never will. He's fixed jacked up work from other shops for me more than once, including yours. He had the car for two weeks, but when I got it back it idled normally, didn't die at redlights and basically ran just like I wanted it to originally.

And you don't have to buy anything. Myself, Frank Rodriguez (we used his shop) and Jonathan Kelley were all present when we took her back to stock. We couldn't believe the amount of hack work done. The best part of the whole deal was the fact that when Brad did finally get back to em to give me the estimate for removing the blower, the number was $1200. If I calculate correctly, that comes out to about 15 hours of labor. In 10 hours, we had the long tubes off and installed on another car, the blower off of my car, and about 80 % installed on Jonathan's car. All without the benefit of the manual that I asked for from y'all but never received. I paid for everything in the box, did I not?

In all the time that has passed, I had never said one word bad about the shop. My worst comments were "I got 90% of what you promised me" and "yes, he can tune cars, just couldn't tune mine". It was only after seeing the "quality" of the work that I stopped caring.

It's funny too, thinking back on getting started in modular cars. All I ever wanted was a car done by HPP. Everyone that was anyone back then was singing the praises. My first projects weren't "cool" enough for y'all (Procharged 2V car, nitrous 4.0 6 cylinder car, etc.) to even talk to me about back then. I brought the 4.0 car up when y'all were still in the old building and couldn't get the time of day from anyone there. We did manage to get it on the dyno for some baseline runs, but that's as far it went.

What I learned from all this is to be careful what you wish for, since it just might come true, and you might not necessarily be happy with the results.

Anyway, it's all water under the bridge now. Y'all didn't care enough to keep me in the first place, you wouldn't make the effort now, and even if you did try, what is my incentive to think the quality of the work done would be any better now than then? I'm done with new cars anyway, having too much fun with the old Mopars again.
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