Originally Posted by svt-eric
where do yall get them that cheap?
Gun shows mainly.. Every now and then you will see sales at bass pro and cab. for basic line bushmasters and dpms for 699 some with carry handles or red dots. So if all you want is something you're going take the range a few times at first and maybe once every 3 months, then those are perfectly fine.
IMO stay away from the 699 bushy.. I had two of them that I kept having to send in for work due to them being over gassed and ripping the case apart trying to extract.
Personally, my next AR will be piston.. Heavier, more parts that "could" fail, yet more along the lines of AK reliable with less maintenance compared to a gas system.
Best bet, grab a buddy who knows wtf to look for and find a local FTF sale, best part is no papers! So the next time people are freaking out about the man you can sit back with a beer saying "what rifle"?