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Shiftybusiness 11-30-2013 12:27 PM

conceal carry locations in the s197
I was curious what setups people have for easy access and concealability to a firearm in your mustang. This is Texas so I assume some people carry.

DirtyD 11-30-2013 12:50 PM

I plan to figure something out under the dash on the driver side, but that may prove to be a little harder than initial thought. Need to get a pistol first. Lol

Shiftybusiness 11-30-2013 01:03 PM

Yea I'm thinking about mounting a holster under the steering wheel but that is just a thought I haven't really looked to see if that would work. Definitely get something, If you know what caliber you want start buying ammo a box here and there and when you get the gun you will have a stash already building. You never know when another sandy hook type thing will happen and ammo will get hard to find and price goes up.

DirtyD 11-30-2013 01:24 PM

Luckily I like .40 and that ammo is pretty easy to come by from what I've seen.

Shiftybusiness 11-30-2013 01:46 PM

Over the last year it was hard to get, the last couple of months things have pretty much got back to normal.

03MachMe 11-30-2013 03:43 PM

I either leave it on my hip or I have a small galco holster that clips under the steering wheel for very easy access. I am never without mine so in used to just leaving it on my hip

Shiftybusiness 11-30-2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by 03MachMe (Post 57870)
I either leave it on my hip or I have a small galco holster that clips under the steering wheel for very easy access. I am never without mine so in used to just leaving it on my hip

I like the idea of mounting it under the steering wheel. Is your holster mount screwed in under the steering wheel?

03MachMe 11-30-2013 05:42 PM

No its just a clip that I can remove. I'll get a pic later

five.slow 11-30-2013 06:13 PM

How about a rack for the back glass?? Lol

Why not just put the gun in the console? That's what I do. If I'm on a road trip that's where the gun goes and the clip goes in the glove box.

Shiftybusiness 11-30-2013 06:44 PM

The console is ok and that's what I do now. I was thinking something easier to access if you were caught by surprise.

downtime! 11-30-2013 06:49 PM

Mine usually stays in the shoulder holster, if I bother to carry it at all, but I've been wondering about these -


El_Tortuga 11-30-2013 07:45 PM

If I'm carrying, its usually on me. I have a tethered lockbox for times when I have to store in vehicle.

03MachMe 11-30-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by five.slow (Post 57880)
How about a rack for the back glass?? Lol

Why not just put the gun in the console? That's what I do. If I'm on a road trip that's where the gun goes and the clip goes in the glove box.

Why have the magazine separate from the gun? Makes having the gun pointless

Shiftybusiness 11-30-2013 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by 03MachMe (Post 57888)
Why have the magazine separate from the gun? Makes having the gun pointless

I agree that would be pointless, I carry with a round in the chamber and a loaded mag.

downtime! 11-30-2013 10:40 PM

I always have a magazine loaded, but never a round chambered. Beretta 92 is my carry choice.

SMERF 11-30-2013 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by downtime! (Post 57883)
Mine usually stays in the shoulder holster, if I bother to carry it at all, but I've been wondering about these -


Where did you get this?

Shiftybusiness 12-01-2013 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by downtime! (Post 57899)
I always have a magazine loaded, but never a round chambered. Beretta 92 is my carry choice.

Cool I like the Beretta 92. I carry XDM9.

03MachMe 12-01-2013 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Shiftybusiness (Post 57905)
Cool I like the Beretta 92. I carry XDM9.

I carry all Springfield. XDm 40 subcompact off duty and full size on duty. Going to get a XDs here soon

DirtyD 12-01-2013 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by 03MachMe (Post 57906)
I carry all Springfield. XDm 40 subcompact off duty and full size on duty. Going to get a XDs here soon

Stephanie's dad has an XDs .40. That's what I used for my qualifying, and I absolutely fell in love with the way that gun feels and shoots. I'll be buying that one after the new year hopefully.

downtime! 12-01-2013 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by SMERF (Post 57901)
Where did you get this?

Pic came from tactical-life.com. Haven't really spent anytime there, just liked the photo. CTD had something similar at one time.

five.slow 12-01-2013 03:55 AM

conceal carry locations in the s197

Originally Posted by 03MachMe (Post 57888)
Why have the magazine separate from the gun? Makes having the gun pointless

if you cannot get your gun and mag out from 2 close locations, load and kill you need to get more familure with your weapon and tactics. also might wanna think about what is causing you to be in a situation in a VEHICLE that causes you to quickly draw a weapon.

Craizie 12-01-2013 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by five.slow (Post 57917)
if you cannot get your gun and mag out from 2 close locations, load and kill you need to get more failure with your weapon and tactics. also might wanna think about what is causing you to be in a situation in a VEHICLE that causes you to quickly draw a weapon.


How about a mugging at a stop light?

five.slow 12-01-2013 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by downtime! (Post 57883)
Mine usually stays in the shoulder holster, if I bother to carry it at all, but I've been wondering about these -


if you seriously need this to be secure you might just wanna stay in the house. i really don't get the whole i gotta carry a gun to be safe/be a man/ protect myself stuff. its out of control. im not downing anyone that wants to carry but damn its sad. if im gonna get my ass kicked then im gonna get my ass kicked. im not afraid to get shot or killed because i keep myself out of those situations. its called situational awareness.

03MachMe 12-01-2013 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by five.slow (Post 57917)
if you cannot get your gun and mag out from 2 close locations, load and kill you need to get more failure with your weapon and tactics. also might wanna think about what is causing you to be in a situation in a VEHICLE that causes you to quickly draw a weapon.

Haha you obviously don't know me. Because when someone comes up to your car with a gun pointed at you the last thing I want to do is grab my gun from one location my mag from another load rack a round then fire all before the guy gets a shot off? I don't care if your a Navy Seal that isn't going to happen. I promise you my weapon tactics are sufficient . I have seen people going through a drive through at a local fast food restaurant and get a gun pulled on them so don't give me this what's causing me to me in a situation where I would need to quickly get to my weapon. And that's fine of you think you don't need to carry a weapon but don't think that those of us that do is because we need it to feel like a man. I have seen things that make you realize you never know when you may need to protect yourself and or others. I bet before the movie theater incident in Colorado you would have thought it would be stupid to have a gun with you at the movies too huh. Or at the mall, or on a college campus. Get my point.

lolvtec 12-01-2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by downtime! (Post 57899)
I always have a magazine loaded, but never a round chambered. Beretta 92 is my carry choice.

I love my Beretta 92fs, they are the perfect gun to carry with one in the chamber.. safety on to decock, safety off and in your holster. First pull is double action (no accidental discharge) following shots are single action and more accurate. Always be ready to use your carry.

On the other note.. five.slow; you live in Texas where men take responsibility for their and their family's safety, don't rely on a 7 minute response time from some underpaid, overworked, and often out of practice police officer... If you don't like it tough.. I hear California is nice this time of year.

rriddle3 12-01-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by five.slow (Post 57919)
...i really don't get the whole i gotta carry a gun to be safe/be a man/ protect myself stuff...

While there are probably some people out there that carry a gun because of the psychological aberration you mentioned, I doubt that the percentage is very large.
You realize that a lot of people believe that those who drive performance cars are compensating for a certain physical shortcoming, don't you, but does that make it true? No. :bleh:

Craizie 12-01-2013 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by five.slow (Post 57919)
if you seriously need this to be secure you might just wanna stay in the house. i really don't get the whole i gotta carry a gun to be safe/be a man/ protect myself stuff. its out of control. im not downing anyone that wants to carry but damn its sad. if im gonna get my ass kicked then im gonna get my ass kicked. im not afraid to get shot or killed because i keep myself out of those situations. its called situational awareness.

Probably the most asinine thing I'll read all day...

If I had time I'd post the "we got a bad ass here" meme.

downtime! 12-01-2013 11:41 AM

LMAO at "situational awareness". You can be as aware as anyone in the world, all it takes looking down for a second to tune the radio or look at your phone. It doesn't take long at all for things to change.

As to "taking an ass whooping", well, I'm 50 now, and not nearly as good as a shape as I used to be. There will be no ass whooping, only the sound of the slide racking a round. If you still want to stand in front of me after that, well, it's your ass.

SMERF 12-01-2013 11:50 AM

My pops always told me growing up,"better to have one and not need it, then need one and not have it." And I live by that. This world ain't safe like you force yourself to believe. Me, I'd rather kill the person trying to kill me. You can take the bullets since you give no shit about dying for your 60" tv

Shiftybusiness 12-01-2013 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by 03MachMe (Post 57920)
Haha you obviously don't know me. Because when someone comes up to your car with a gun pointed at you the last thing I want to do is grab my gun from one location my mag from another load rack a round then fire all before the guy gets a shot off? I don't care if your a Navy Seal that isn't going to happen. I promise you my weapon tactics are sufficient . I have seen people going through a drive through at a local fast food restaurant and get a gun pulled on them so don't give me this what's causing me to me in a situation where I would need to quickly get to my weapon. And that's fine of you think you don't need to carry a weapon but don't think that those of us that do is because we need it to feel like a man. I have seen things that make you realize you never know when you may need to protect yourself and or others. I bet before the movie theater incident in Colorado you would have thought it would be stupid to have a gun with you at the movies too huh. Or at the mall, or on a college campus. Get my point.


five.slow 12-01-2013 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by 03MachMe (Post 57920)
Haha you obviously don't know me. Because when someone comes up to your car with a gun pointed at you the last thing I want to do is grab my gun from one location my mag from another load rack a round then fire all before the guy gets a shot off? I don't care if your a Navy Seal that isn't going to happen. I promise you my weapon tactics are sufficient . I have seen people going through a drive through at a local fast food restaurant and get a gun pulled on them so don't give me this what's causing me to me in a situation where I would need to quickly get to my weapon. And that's fine of you think you don't need to carry a weapon but don't think that those of us that do is because we need it to feel like a man. I have seen things that make you realize you never know when you may need to protect yourself and or others. I bet before the movie theater incident in Colorado you would have thought it would be stupid to have a gun with you at the movies too huh. Or at the mall, or on a college campus. Get my point.

im talking about situational awareness. knowing what is going on around you. i dont put my self in positions that i cannot get out of quickly. for the stop light thing, look around when you are at a stop light and see if people are around you. see with other drivers and passengers are doing. im not against have a gun on you but is everyone so scared that they need a holster bolted to the bottom of their steering column? im no bad ass but but at the same time i dont need a gun with me everywhere i go. long trips the gun goes with us but besides that its loaded in my wifes night stand for her not me....im gonna jump out the window while my wife takes care of things :pp:. we got into the "gotta protect ourselves" thing once and i got a judge and it was a awesome self defense weapon with the PDX shells but after a while i realized the gun was useless and not fun to shoot. got rid of it and i feel just as secure. again im not against having a gun but it just seems people take it too far.

downtime! 12-01-2013 05:14 PM

You also do realize that 03MachMe is a cop by profession, right?

five.slow 12-01-2013 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by downtime! (Post 57962)
You also do realize that 03MachMe is a cop by profession, right?

Ok, I'm in the army... So we both have tactical experience. Difference is I don't get shot at by gang bangers lol.

Oxford14Stang 12-01-2013 08:02 PM

hey Ryan question for you man, I thought even if you had your CHL or if you don't since its legal to have in your vehicle in TX that it couldn't be visible in the car? That it could be loaded and ready to fire.but I was under the impression it had to be out of visible sight. So wouldn't it on the steering column be visible?

Oxford14Stang 12-01-2013 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by five.slow (Post 57976)
Ok, I'm in the army... So we both have tactical experience. Difference is I don't get shot at by gang bangers lol.

I'm just going to get in the mix here. Those of us who carry do it for protection. Regardless if they need it or not. So don't ever say some take it too far because there is no god damn thing as being to protective or safe over your life or your family's. You will never know when you may need a gun to stop something bad from happening. Perfect example had someone been carrying at the movies theaters that terrible night in CO. someone could had dropped that guy and saved many of lives. Would they had taken the gun in to purposely kill no they went in to watch a damn movie. But went in prepared.

03MachMe 12-01-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Oxford14Stang (Post 57986)
hey Ryan question for you man, I thought even if you had your CHL or if you don't since its legal to have in your vehicle in TX that it couldn't be visible in the car? That it could be loaded and ready to fire.but I was under the impression it had to be out of visible sight. So wouldn't it on the steering column be visible?

It can not be in plain sight, like sitting on your passenger seat. I would consider under the steering column hidden as unless your door is open and your not it in the car it's not easily viewable. I wouldn't leave it there when not in the car tho. That's asked for it to be stolen

five.slow 12-01-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Oxford14Stang (Post 57991)
I'm just going to get in the mix here. Those of us who carry do it for protection. Regardless if they need it or not. So don't ever say some take it too far because there is no god damn thing as being to protective or safe over your life or your family's. You will never know when you may need a gun to stop something bad from happening. Perfect example had someone been carrying at the movies theaters that terrible night in CO. someone could had dropped that guy and saved many of lives. Would they had taken the gun in to purposely kill no they went in to watch a damn movie. But went in prepared.

So you don't think having a holster on your fucking steering Column is taking it a lil far? Yea sometimes people that carry can stop some stuff but at the same time they might not be able to stop stuff. I'm not saying wanting to have protection is a bad thing. I bought my wife a 9mm and then spent 3 weekends and over 1000 rounds training her to shoot properly and effectively while still being safe. If we go anywhere on a long trip she gets the gun not me. I'm not gonna have her carry all the time. We live with out fear of being gunned down like we live in the 1800s in dodge city. That's our opinion. If she decided to carry I would support her but the second she wanted to put a holster on her steering column, under the coffee table, behind the head board of the bed, in a fake brink on the outside walk by the front door.. I would have her go on dooms day preppers and have her see a doctor.

03MachMe 12-01-2013 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by five.slow (Post 58003)
So you don't think having a holster on your fucking steering Column is taking it a lil far? Yea sometimes people that carry can stop some stuff but at the same time they might not be able to stop stuff. I'm not saying wanting to have protection is a bad thing. I bought my wife a 9mm and then spent 3 weekends and over 1000 rounds training her to shoot properly and effectively while still being safe. If we go anywhere on a long trip she gets the gun not me. I'm not gonna have her carry all the time. We live with out fear of being gunned down like we live in the 1800s in dodge city. That's our opinion. If she decided to carry I would support her but the second she wanted to put a holster on her steering column, under the coffee table, behind the head board of the bed, in a fake brink on the outside walk by the front door.. I would have her go on dooms day preppers and have her see a doctor.

I think you have been in comifornia too long. The world's not all flowers and sunshine and I'm glad you can convince yourself it is but there are people out there that want only to hurt others and I would not want to be caught in a situation that I would be at a disadvantage. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I have the upper hand. And if you think I am crazy for that then call me nuts

five.slow 12-02-2013 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by 03MachMe (Post 58004)
I think you have been in comifornia too long. The world's not all flowers and sunshine and I'm glad you can convince yourself it is but there are people out there that want only to hurt others and I would not want to be caught in a situation that I would be at a disadvantage. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I have the upper hand. And if you think I am crazy for that then call me nuts

Yea been in this shit hole too long. I know there are weirdos out there but I'm not going to be scared every time I walk out of my house. You are a LEO right? You know what a safe place looks like and what a non safe place looks like right? You won't go into a place that looks sketchy when you are off duty... I'd hope unless you really are nuts. When I have my iotv, Kevlar helmet, 210 rounds and a m4 il walk anywhere especially if I got a buddy equally equipped. Outside of that if it looks sketchy I stay the hell away even if cops are around. You are not nuts for trying to have the upper hand.

JDBishopArts 12-02-2013 12:23 AM

I keep mine within arms reach at all times loaded and ready to fire.

I used to not but I had an incident in San Antonio that made it a little more important to me.

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