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Old 09-18-2013, 11:29 AM   #6
Old School
Join Date: Oct 2012
Age: 46
Posts: 1,358

Lmfao at Tim, good times!!!

Last night I was wandering around the mountains, ended up near a gas station... Figured I wonder what... Next thing I know I'm on fire and dead. Out of the hospital, I'm walkin around, tried to talk to a Sheriff lady, she got pissed. I walk off like ok bitch calm down. She starts yelling for me to stop, I don't, so she starts shooting me. After taking 2 in the shoulder I had enough. Turned with my shotgun and blew her ass back 5 feet. Instant 3 star man hunt... I think, wtf am I gonna do in this desert? There's no where to hide... Turn around and I see a gd train passing! I run to it and hop on (didn't think it'd work!)... Ducked down between some train cars and rode to freedom. The chopper was following for a good 5 minutes looking for me. Hopped off, stole an armored truck after shooting both guards, hid out behind a warehouse for wanted level to go away again, exit truck, shotgun the rear cargo hold 5-6 times, and walla (monies!). Wasn't but like 8 grand but it was enough to make it rain at the strip club and get 3 strippers to invite me home. Lmfao. Best game eva! This was between doing the missions which I don't want to ruin for anyone.
86 GT 374 Billet "W" w/ 72MMs
90 GT 351 Dart short stroke w/ YSi
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