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Old 12-01-2013, 01:57 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by 03MachMe View Post
Haha you obviously don't know me. Because when someone comes up to your car with a gun pointed at you the last thing I want to do is grab my gun from one location my mag from another load rack a round then fire all before the guy gets a shot off? I don't care if your a Navy Seal that isn't going to happen. I promise you my weapon tactics are sufficient . I have seen people going through a drive through at a local fast food restaurant and get a gun pulled on them so don't give me this what's causing me to me in a situation where I would need to quickly get to my weapon. And that's fine of you think you don't need to carry a weapon but don't think that those of us that do is because we need it to feel like a man. I have seen things that make you realize you never know when you may need to protect yourself and or others. I bet before the movie theater incident in Colorado you would have thought it would be stupid to have a gun with you at the movies too huh. Or at the mall, or on a college campus. Get my point.

im talking about situational awareness. knowing what is going on around you. i dont put my self in positions that i cannot get out of quickly. for the stop light thing, look around when you are at a stop light and see if people are around you. see with other drivers and passengers are doing. im not against have a gun on you but is everyone so scared that they need a holster bolted to the bottom of their steering column? im no bad ass but but at the same time i dont need a gun with me everywhere i go. long trips the gun goes with us but besides that its loaded in my wifes night stand for her not gonna jump out the window while my wife takes care of things . we got into the "gotta protect ourselves" thing once and i got a judge and it was a awesome self defense weapon with the PDX shells but after a while i realized the gun was useless and not fun to shoot. got rid of it and i feel just as secure. again im not against having a gun but it just seems people take it too far.
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