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Old 02-12-2014, 01:05 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by M3AN 1 View Post
That's a big change! Soda is garbage I was drinking 4-6 coke zeros a day.Eating entire bags of chips, eating out for breakfeast lunch and dinner.

I'm starting to realize even if you eat healthier while eating out the foods still have a ton of calories.But I basically did the same thing you did.

Never thought I would see the day I eat turkey burgers on wheat buns to get my burger fix lol.

Originally Posted by JDMLOL View Post
Yep. Even diet drinks aren't good. I only drink them if I'm drinking them with alcohol mixed in, maybe once a week. People who drink water regularly have lower body weight than those who drink diet drinks.

Yep. Grilled chicken sandwiches aren't much better than burgers once cheese and mayo are on them. I typically don't eat them with all that on there. Same with salads, once bacon bits, croutons and some oily dressings are thrown on them you're looking at as many calories as a burger as well. I typically cut anything that has extra oil or fat in my salad as well. I will usually only leave a sprinkle of cheese.

Salad wasn't in my vocabulary until about a year ago, lol.
Diet drinks are actually worse for you than regular sugary drinks due to the aspartame and sucralose in addition the fructose corn syrup. The stuff is poison in your body!

As for the salads and eating out, you couldn't be more right. Some places the calorie count and fat content in some of their salads are WAY worse than eating some of their burgers.

Example: Chili's Buffalo Chicken Salad

Calories (%DV based on daily intake of 2,000 kcal) 870 kcal 43.5%
Calories from Fat 495 kcal

870 calories from a salad and over 50% of that is saturated fat calories and that doesn't include the shitload of Ranch dressing that most people just pour over it. So easily figure 1000 calories or more or saturated fat and sugar. Add sweet tea or a soda to that and holy crap.

So many people think because they are eating a salad it's healthy and couldn't be more untrue!

Also, most places use cheap unhealthy oils and butter to cook with which really makes the calories go up when you eat out.
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