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Old 11-23-2014, 10:54 PM   #82
I have a small penis
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Making Steve my bitch since 2003
Age: 44
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Originally Posted by BLK2012GT View Post
I'm not swinging on any shop. When have you seen me post or say HPP is the best shop ever? I'll wait for that response.

And I have every right to bitch piss and moan however long I want. I got fucked after I gave them so many chances, after supposedly I got the hookup cause I was "family", yet I don't have the car I paid for. There are so many things you guys don't know, well you think you do cause you hear from one side of the story who on that side is never his or their fault and they never fuck up. They blame the customer, manufacture, anyone but them. So if you don't want to see me bitch anymore either ban me or leave the forum cause I will continue. And even if I get banned if you see me in person I'll still tell you about how they suck and owned my a piece of shit snake.
You have been praising HPP for months now, which is fine. If they treated you right then you should refer them. But the fact that every thread you enter now turns into bashing TS, you are officially a troll. We get it your unhappy and you want us 10 fucking people that actually come on this shit hole of a board to know it. Good we get it, now go elsewhere and speak your mind because the 10 of us are tired of it.
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