Originally Posted by SlowGreyGT
Subscribing for rules.
Proposed rules:
For those that have been called out, you get to pick the type of race (dig, roll, highway, track, etc.) time though is agreed by both but should be within 1 week
You must race #10 spot to get onto the list (except for the original members already on the list)
We will also leave it up to the Called out and callee to determine if their race is a one run race or if it is best of 3...any arguments will be resolved by Brent Yager or Dale Zavala and our decision is final. If you don't like it you don't have to participate in the list
To make your official callout IN THE FUTURE from here on out...post it wherever you like BUT Facebook message Brent Yager or Dale Zavala your official callout so we can add it to the spreadsheet.
Everyone please remember that we had to start somewhere and Dale Zavala was cool enough to take a stab at who's on the original list. If you are not on it don't take offense...just race and move up!
There is a wait list for next callout for the #10 spot. If the person calling out the #10 spot loses against the reigning #10 spot they move to the back of the line on the wait list for that spot.
Remember that you can always race someone whenever wherever but if you want a spot on the list you have to do an official callout as mentioned above.
Also, try and get it on video so there's no arguments on won or lost!