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Old 02-19-2014, 06:56 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by BERT View Post
And no offense to parents on here, but some of these kids are real shitheads and apparently their parents don't get on to them at all. Cause I haven't pissed off a parent yet while coaching or "yelling" at their kid. Hell, most of the time when I've felt I shouldn't have been so loud or yelled I'd go and apologize to the parent and they would say "oh no, you say whatever you need to, he doesn't listen to me" WTF?? lol
Yes, it's true some kids are a serious pain in the ass. Some kids you can get away with yelling, others not so much. My little 5 year old girl is so sweet you just look upset with her and she will start to cry. So yelling at her isn't necessary. As a parent, I wouldn't allow my kids to play for a coach with a yelling and screaming style. Especially some of those coaches I have seen who scream profanities at the kids. If some coach tried that shit with my kid he'd be quickly finding out the nutritional value of his teeth.

Originally Posted by DirtyD View Post
Parents are scared to be a parent to their kid nowadays to avoid them "rebeling" or shying off. Which by doing exactly what they are doing, causes that to happen. That's the part that would be hard for me to coach is if a kid is being a little prick, and I get on to him, his parents turn it around on me, which would not end well for them.
LOL, you have no clue what you are talking about. You have no experience as a parent to draw any conclusions like that. People without kids telling other people with kids how to parent absolutely crack me up.

And what exactly would you do if a parent turned on you? That attitude is playing with fire in a big way. It's not your place to parent someone else's kid. If you're a coach and the kid is being a shit, you sit them out and they don't play. That's the extent of your involvement with it. You trying to turn on me and saying it wouldn't end well would be a big mistake on your part. Never attempt to get between a parent and their kid, it's not your place and the parent will always protect right or wrong in the situation.
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Old 02-20-2014, 10:30 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by SlowGreyGT View Post
LOL, you have no clue what you are talking about. You have no experience as a parent to draw any conclusions like that. People without kids telling other people with kids how to parent absolutely crack me up.
I don't remember specifically telling anyone EXACTLY how to parent? I just said be a parent, and not a best friend. Read, dipshit. Here we go with your bullshit "experience" rants again. I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about, but yet that's what I see everyday. Just because someone doesn't have kids of their own doesn't mean they don't know how to be a parent. What I said is exactly what happened to both of my cousins in high school, of whom I watched become drug addicts and constantly run away from home. I watched it with my own eyes. But again, it's something that differs from your opinion, and because it doesn't agree with your opinion, it's not true/fact/believeable/whatever the hell you want to call it.

Originally Posted by SlowGreyGT View Post
And what exactly would you do if a parent turned on you? That attitude is playing with fire in a big way. It's not your place to parent someone else's kid. If you're a coach and the kid is being a shit, you sit them out and they don't play. That's the extent of your involvement with it. You trying to turn on me and saying it wouldn't end well would be a big mistake on your part. Never attempt to get between a parent and their kid, it's not your place and the parent will always protect right or wrong in the situation.
Did I say it would get physical? Or are your just automatically assuming that so that you can go ahead and form an opinion off of very few words? I vote the latter. This forum has started to become a bust lately with all the same old shit that continues to pour out of a few mouths from some of the same old people.

Last edited by DirtyD; 02-20-2014 at 10:33 AM.
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Old 02-20-2014, 10:47 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by DirtyD View Post
I don't remember specifically telling anyone EXACTLY how to parent? I just said be a parent, and not a best friend. Read, dipshit. Here we go with your bullshit "experience" rants again. I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about, but yet that's what I see everyday. Just because someone doesn't have kids of their own doesn't mean they don't know how to be a parent. What I said is exactly what happened to both of my cousins in high school, of whom I watched become drug addicts and constantly run away from home. I watched it with my own eyes. But again, it's something that differs from your opinion, and because it doesn't agree with your opinion, it's not true/fact/believeable/whatever the hell you want to call it.

Did I say it would get physical? Or are your just automatically assuming that so that you can go ahead and form an opinion off of very few words? I vote the latter. This forum has started to become a bust lately with all the same old shit that continues to pour out of a few mouths from some of the same old people.
Dipshit?You in a mood or something this morning? Yes, another experience reply, because yet again you are giving an opinion on something you have no firsthand experience with. Seeing what some parents are dealing with, and being in the position of dealing with it are two entirely different things which someday will find out for yourself and you will agree with me later.

You were the one who worded their statement "it wouldn't turn out good for them" implying you were going to do something, which we both know you really wouldn't without your keyboard.

Now, if the board is a bust, feel free to leave. No one is forcing you to stay here. If you're having a bad day, that's fine. Just relax and stay away from the board today if you can't deal with it and concentrate on work. Otherwise, kick back, relax and get off your high horse.
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Old 02-20-2014, 12:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by DirtyD View Post
I don't remember specifically telling anyone EXACTLY how to parent? I just said be a parent, and not a best friend. Read, dipshit. Here we go with your bullshit "experience" rants again. I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about, but yet that's what I see everyday. Just because someone doesn't have kids of their own doesn't mean they don't know how to be a parent. What I said is exactly what happened to both of my cousins in high school, of whom I watched become drug addicts and constantly run away from home. I watched it with my own eyes. But again, it's something that differs from your opinion, and because it doesn't agree with your opinion, it's not true/fact/believeable/whatever the hell you want to call it.

Did I say it would get physical? Or are your just automatically assuming that so that you can go ahead and form an opinion off of very few words? I vote the latter. This forum has started to become a bust lately with all the same old shit that continues to pour out of a few mouths from some of the same old people.
Ok this is going a nice long response so just stay with me.

As for your friends that ended up being fuck ups, good for them. My best friend growing up had parents that partied with us every weekend. Hell even smoked pot with us. Now he makes about 200k a year has a hot wife that makes over a 100k a year. Lives in DC and has a huge uptown apartment in Dallas he rents out and a 200k house in Richardson he rents out. Sounds like parents that were friends with their kid wasn't the problem here. I actually know more kids that their parents were real strict on them that are fuck ups. But hey your experiences are the only ones that count. Sometimes it doesn't matter what type of parents you have, a fuck up is going to be a fuck up no matter what.

As for yelling at kids on a baseball team. Well I guess I do yell from time to time but that is because I'm on the other side of the field and that is the only way they will hear me. As for making them run laps, yes if you don't behave get your little ass running. Now if the kid is standing right in front of you and you are yelling at him, you are in the wrong and shouldn't do that. As a parent I would have a huge problem with you yelling in my kids face and it would only happen once. I can promise you it would not be me with the problem.

To sit back with no children and tell people with kids how to raise them, is a joke. You have no idea what its like. I can also tell you as a parent your not going to let some jackass scream in their face. Raising kids is not easy, it is the hardest thing you can possibly do but one of the most rewarding things you can possibly do. Once you have kids you will realize there is a fine line on being a parent and being a friend. You have to be both, not just one or the other.

Lastly stop with the name calling, it will get you no where.
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Old 02-20-2014, 12:49 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by blownaltered View Post
Ok this is going a nice long response so just stay with me.

As for your friends that ended up being fuck ups, good for them. My best friend growing up had parents that partied with us every weekend. Hell even smoked pot with us. Now he makes about 200k a year has a hot wife that makes over a 100k a year. Lives in DC and has a huge uptown apartment in Dallas he rents out and a 200k house in Richardson he rents out. Sounds like parents that were friends with their kid wasn't the problem here. I actually know more kids that their parents were real strict on them that are fuck ups. But hey your experiences are the only ones that count. Sometimes it doesn't matter what type of parents you have, a fuck up is going to be a fuck up no matter what.

As for yelling at kids on a baseball team. Well I guess I do yell from time to time but that is because I'm on the other side of the field and that is the only way they will hear me. As for making them run laps, yes if you don't behave get your little ass running. Now if the kid is standing right in front of you and you are yelling at him, you are in the wrong and shouldn't do that. As a parent I would have a huge problem with you yelling in my kids face and it would only happen once. I can promise you it would not be me with the problem.

To sit back with no children and tell people with kids how to raise them, is a joke. You have no idea what its like. I can also tell you as a parent your not going to let some jackass scream in their face. Raising kids is not easy, it is the hardest thing you can possibly do but one of the most rewarding things you can possibly do. Once you have kids you will realize there is a fine line on being a parent and being a friend. You have to be both, not just one or the other.

Lastly stop with the name calling, it will get you no where.
Not friends, it was my family. Big difference when you grow up with both of them and then just watch them destroy themselves because their parents, my aunt mainly, didn't want to me a parent and discipline them when they deserved it.

I don't think you understood what I meant by being friends instead of parents. I'm talking about being a parent when they need to be a parent. Reprimanding and punishing when it needs to be done, not just saying "oh it's okay" or something and letting the kid skate by with it. Like BERT said a few posts above, "Hell, most of the time when I've felt I shouldn't have been so loud or yelled I'd go and apologize to the parent and they would say 'oh no, you say whatever you need to, he doesn't listen to me'..." If you never get on to a kid for doing something you don't want them to do, then odds are they won't listen to you later on. That's what I was trying to say by my statements.

And again, nowhere was I specifically stating to people how to raise their kids. I'm speaking from what I've been taught, and witnessed. I know that once I have kids, it will be a whole new ball game, but I plan to raise them the exact same way I was raised.

Sorry about the name calling.

However, I find it funny as hell how this comment, "But hey your experiences are the only ones that count." is said in this instance, and I know you are saying it sarcastically, when that same comment is thrown around in all the other discussion/arguments that go on around here that everyone else "experiences" count more than othersa because they say so. Hypocritical much?
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